tisdag 27 april 2010

Världens bästa boktitel

Den bästa boktitel jag någonsin sett är utan tvekan följande - i alla fall om man ser framför allt till kvantiteten:

Facilography, or, A system of easy, expeditious writing : entirely new, applicable to all languages, ancient and modern, in characters completely adapted to conciseness and currency in combination, expressing every word without the omission of a single letter, in half the space and in one third the time required for common running hand, comprised and rendered attainable in six lessons, calculated to facilitate the accounts, correspondence and memorandums of the merchant and man of business, where both accuracy and dispatch are indispensibly requisite, and to expedite the preparations in manuscript, and other exertions of the man of letters. : To which is added, an appendix, shewing by an easy and comprehensive method, how the same is applicable as a universal system of stenography, fully demonstrating the most superior elegance, lineality, legibility, and dispatch, in rules peculiarly and admirably suited, to free from every ambiguity this important science, to professional gentlemen, students at law, divinity, &c. to reporters and every person in the habit of making notes for memorandums or business, this stenography will be found highly deserving of preference for its complete adaptation to follow the most rapid speaker. The whole treatise as a system of expeditious and short writing, combining information not to be found in any other work now extant. Illustrated by numerous examples, on nine elegantly engraved copperplates. Dedicated to the Honourable Sir William Garrow, His Majesty's Attorney General / by Thomas Oxley, author of several fugitive pieces, essays, &c. moral and philosophical; and Master of a mathematical and commercial academy. 1816.

Och nej, detta är inte påhittat.

2 kommentarer:

Skymning sa...

Man skulle nästan göra en sektion "sevärdheter" i bokhyllan bara för att ha den där.

Petter Eremiten sa...

Som pensionerad bibliotekarie är jag glad att jag aldrig behövde katalogisera denna bok. Jag har upplevt den tiden, när biblioteken inte hade datorer utan man skrev på maskin på ett katalogkort. Bara titeln skulle ha krävt flera kort.
Om man skrev fel på det sista ordet var det bara att börja om igen.